Enterprise Development Programme

Enterprise Development Programme (EDP) is a framework agreement between African governments to provide registered enterprise solutions for management resourcing that enables growth, turnaround, sustainability and competitive business within African countries.

A vibrant private sector is the sine qua non to creating employment and wealth, alleviating poverty and spurring economic development. Private sector development that has at its core, the promotion of a robust and competitive small and medium enterprise (“SME”) sector is essential to achieving the sustainable and inclusive growth required within African economies. It is against this background that AMSCO has entered into Enterprise Development Programme (EDP) framework agreements with various African governments to provide registered enterprise with solutions for management resourcing that enables growth, turnaround, sustainability and competitive businesses. In line with country National Development Goals, the EDP framework agreements are designed to focus on building human capital in priority sectors within each country with the ultimately objective of realising economic growth through industry growth and higher employment.

The EDP is typically a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) that identifies human capital challenges within a priority sector and through an EDP project, AMSCO and its stakeholders in the project, would then address the human capital challenges via various interventions such as placement of scarce skills, training and development, including impact measurement.


Host Governments